Today ,late 1o minutes reached company again.
After reach company, just felt bred, cause nothing do lately. sigh~
Switch on my computer, my telephone. And walked to the breakout area make milo .
hehe.. took the milo to my seat and took out the mini biscuit, had enjoy eating, reading, checking mail, online. And take those funny pictures at my seat. haha.
milo + mini crackers chocolate cream biscuit. extra added Bored there. )=
Nothing do, just wanna find someone chat with me in msn. Suddenly, Janice online, we started chitchat many in msn.
And curi curi capture myself and beside my seat the guy. He name call Shaiful. He very nice person.
Anything i do not know, also go ask him, and he willing teach me a lot thing, and told me about history of BP company.
He like joking also, very funny guy. He look quite many gal always find him to chat.He also know listen and speak mandarin also. haha.. but we not same team. So bad!
He is Shaiful. He sedang busy playing facebook's game.Don kacau him! haha ;)
Actually i less chat with my team. But today very special, i dare to talk and chat abit with them. Look like got abit success for me near by them. May be i shy or i timid? But with other team i can chat a lot funny, joking, serious... alot alot~ But i try to my best join with my team. Easy working ma.
I Am Trying The Best All The Moment! gambateh!~
Really felt bored there la, only helping updated payment. Swt~ Nothing do, cause my senior- act she is my partner, she teaching me all the thing, that why i called her senior, is partner only right. We exchange work to do. And she wan me learning the new work also. But i look damn free there. Some moment i wanna fall asleep there. haha. not curi tulang!! Just bored and my soul wanna go other place for play. hehe =)
You can see my bored face? help~ )=
Im not decided have my lunch, but my friends called me out. Just join and eat fried rice plus egg and warm sky juice.
Addition food- papaya, biji pisang goreng, goreng undang, goreng chun juan. Nice tase!
After my lunch, just again bored and waiting the document came for me. Bored! bored! bored!
Take all my time online check friendster, facebook, hi5, msn chat, and non stop capture pictures.
1 more hour, i can back home. But the document not yet on my hand. Just waiting, the bad China! Always late scan document for us. We need dismiss the time, they scan documents for us to capture wor! Bad?
my food la. fried rice + egg and sky juice. Nice taste. yummy yummy~

He concentrate capturing invoice.

I busy-ing capture photo. hehe

Capturing in my seat! :)
Toilet. >.<"
continue... smile ~~ =]
enough lols. Hand tired. yeah sign. =)
Just put beside all those this kind question. Sam said tonight he wanted buy shoe at Subang Jaya -Summit Shopping Centre. Asked me wanna join anot. I agree jor. When Came back wasang maju, he told me got his cousin also. OMG~
shy le. Can i said, bring me back home first? haha. But he quite rushed to SJ, cause quite late also.
After we reached SJ, he fetched his cousin, and we three went Summit together. Woow~ Adidas Shops. They wan buy sport shoe for play basketball. If bought 4 item then customers can get each item 40%. Well, i just walked there, and looking the clothes. But all clothes quite big size. At last, sam make my heart wanna join them buy also. Some clothes was atract me. Just took to fit room and tried. wow~ some quite nice. And with the stupid sam take some funny pictures at fit room. finally i bought three item also. Not expensive. Store can return between 7 days. haha..

See!! This stupid fellow. Funny? haha >.
After we paid, those of the shop already closed. We went to SJ - inti institute there having our dinner.
A day passing fast . Arrived home almost 12am . LOLs. tired + lazy. But need take bath and updated my blog to you all. hehe =) sweet dream.
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