, suffering day le, coz i nt comfortable.
Sumone wake me up early, outside raining, cold and lazy woke, and my body really very suffering. But force to woke and go for prepared all the staff.
Before go out,i try to drink a lot warm water, to saved my life. =.=''
After i reached LRT station, i really cant tahan , and stand there line up, lucky today, the third lrt pass through then can get on ady.
I quite early arrived my company.emm.... still early, just few fellow there only. My coolleague told me i can go for cook make tea or eat pastry at the area for meal.
hehe..just said thanks lols. Then call her teach me how to request sumthing, like stationeries,letter for leave, OT form... and sum question la.
Nothing do, log on my pc and online find sumone to chat. Until my senior manager cum, she past me document and let me do. Until the lunch time, they asked for me, and i also join them, But i just eat abit, leave alot dish there.. wasted.. arg!! hmm..join with them quite funny, they like to chitchat, funny chat also, bt chat many 'shi fei' la. But i also don noe who la.
After lunch , we walked back company, ntg do... Sit there, online. i sit there ady pass half hour more le. My senior din take anything for me do, i go to find her, finally, got job for do le. hmmmm.....quite easy , today , she also teach me new thing. But i easy forget all also. So sorry to her. I need learn all b4 thusday , coz , my senior she take leave on thusday until next monday for studying and sit for exam too. I scaring i cant handle it, I need take her handphne no by tml ady.

Until pm stg, i only back, coz wan claim OT and transport fees ma. hehe >.<Today back myself by lrt le, nobody fetch me, then eat with frz and go jj play again. may be i got stg wrong le, every day also want go jusco the game park there for play only back home. T.T
Have to sleep nw lolx.Wish all of you have a sweet nite. GooD DaY A HeaD! =]
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