well. now i on leave came back ipoh for my exam.
still leave 3 paper on june 1, 4, 5.
But all subject not yet revision.
Last friday, my company had speech about sight.
After the speech, employee can test the self eyes.
Angelyn and i had take the test also.
act, she was accompany me take the test, but after i test, the ophthalmologist called she test also.
The ophthalmologist said my left eye was very good, but right eye got abit shortsighted.
Angelyn's was wearing c.lens. After she take the test, He said she eyes was perfect. haha.
That time, our firm had a lunch for us. She and me also ate in company. But finally, we are not enuf full.
so, we decided go bought msd and share.
We chat alot ~~ all also about firm. She also like asked about my Bf.
I also like chat with her those about each of us lover.. hehe.. gal ma. >.<
I tot friday will more busy , but not, i just bored there.
hmmm... vivian- she is interviewed me before.
she from GL department, she saw me so bored there, she said earlier should let me go her department, but now ..
she cant in charge anything. disappointed le!!~~
That day , all staff also back early. it was because, our company got free ticket for us, who was apply can go to watch the TERMINATOR SALVATION. But i din apply it. I just wanna back home earlier.
WAiting china send the list as usual. Arg~~ no choice, i added them by office communicator, asked the gal when can send me the list, and i need bk home, afterwards she had send me, after i done my stuff . I feeling happy. The moment i most happy, that is i can leave earlier. haha.
After reached home, just share my happiness to sam. and rushed back ipoh.
Quite tired, after arrived ipoh. I can still until next day 3pm.
After woke, i keeping my room again.
Then out with kai xiang. We went to SMI school for scott catering.
Quite fun there. After join xiang went to vodoo. Lols. I casual wearing make me not conform that place la.
swt~~ I din long stay there, i went to infi find ping hao them. Cz he date me at noon.
But he and his frz was playing game, and ignored me.
Finally, he left the cc. We went to supper- mamak.
They like bully me, chat about the ghost stories .
Last night, i never sleep, until today early morning 7 oli slp.
But after need to woke up, out with kai xiang to jj,
Woow.~ shopping again.
Today may 31th, BAskin Robbins got discount. Me share with xiang.
Yummy ~ yummi. we capture alot pic. and sent to sam. Cause..
wanna him regret and envy.Cz last nite he ate crab with her sister.
After this Long stories , i need starting to take my account to revision. @.@
GOod nitez.....

She is Angelyn

Sam sent me to Bus station.

the little dancing there. cute. XD

little handsum guy. But cant take nice capture.

Kai Xiang and Wai Heng.

Kai xiang's Bro.

Kiss for sending to sumone. Do u received it?
finally, i bought this.
Capture t attract sam.
mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip.

start ate lolx. =]
he driving. don noe me capture le. keke